Monthly Archives: December 2011

Stress relief

A somewhat frazzled team of over-achievers has tested and agreed the following skills for relieving any apprehension you may have about a forthcoming test.

  • Identify what you can change. At the same time, acknowledge the fact that there are things you can not change.
  • You must manage your time and make things easier for your life as much as possible.
    Settle on which activities are most important to you, and leave out those that aren’t.
  • You need to pace yourself. Always plan to do the most demanding or toughest task early in the day. This is the actual time when you are most resilient to anxiety and it will keep the source of stress at bay.
  • Relax your body and mind with helpful techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing, and massage. They are all effective methods of getting your stress under control.
  • Exercise! Do regular physical activity to beat stress!
  • Eat well. Whenever you’re preparing for an exam, avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fats, and tobacco. All of these items put a strain on your body’s ability to cope with stress.
  • Get ample sleep.
  • Discuss and share your problems with your close ones. Confiding in friends, relatives, or counselors is the best way to help reduce whatever stress you may be feeling.
  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Simply do your best without over-doing it!
  • Participate in group humor to unwind yourself. Laugh a little!

These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to exam counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

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How to Take Class Notes in the best possible manner

  • Make a summary of the notes in your own words and not the instructor’s. Remember: your goal is to grasp what the professor is saying, not to try to record her lecture, verbatim.
  • Underline ideas which the instructor emphasizes by an arrow or a special symbol.
  • When the teacher looks at his/her notes, focus on what they say next.
  • Make your notes as per your understanding and write/draw your notes matching your style.
  • You can consider to split  your notes into two columns — keeping the lecture notes on one side, and writing questions that come up during the time of the class on the other side. This will ensure that you remember to clarify any point or question that you come across the course of the lecture, and will enable you to associate the answer with the relevant material when you find it later.
  • Copy the stuff on the blackboard and transparencies, especially the outline. Just to make sure that you get have the jist of the instructor’s download, while jotting down notes skip articles, “the” and “a” and use  shorthand and abbreviations.


These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to exam counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

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Measures to be adopted by students for Studying Effectively.

This list is ideal for those who want to know the greatest way to study for an exam.

Eat small meals frequently
Big meals are to be avoided before a study session. Heavy meal will propel your body into a ‘rest’ mode. Nevertheless, do not starve yourself either.

Learn when you’re Sharpest
Devise a study plan as per your body-clock. When do feel you are sharpest? in the morning hours or in the evening hours? plan your most difficult tasks/materials when you are mentally at your best, and program the easier ones when you are mentally less competent.

Drink water in abundance

Drink a lot of water during a learning session, especially when you feel lethargic. Caffeine may facilitate you to stay up, but it can augment your anxiety – so exercise control. Drinking fluids helps to boost energy and stay hydrated.

Comfortable seating

Select a chair that has a back support. It needs to be comfortable, but not too comfy. Just like a sportsperson during a performance, your body should be stress-free, so that all your energy is utilized by your brain.

Clear the clutter on Your Desk
Organize things on your study table. Have everything you require on the desk. Things not needed for immediate use in the study session should be set aside.

Take regular breaks
It is vital to take a break before you feel exhausted and lose your focus completely. Regular breaks at least once an hour helps to maintain your concentration. If the learning is tedious and you have difficulties in concentrating, you may stretch your break and resume your studies later.

Stretch your body During Your Breaks
We ought to know and respect our concentration span which fluctuates from hour to hour and from day to day. When you sit for a long time, gravity drives the blood flow to the lower region of your body. Warm-up before work by doing stretches and relax during breaks; they increase flexibility and boost blood flow and oxygen to muscles. It will help to release tension in your body, and help your circulation.

Study at the Same Time, Same Place
Follow a time table and stick to the same study place for maintaining better concentration. You will discover that you get into a habit of studying as soon as you settle down to learn.


Note: These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to  our counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

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Impact of Background music during studies- An article for music lovers on Examination related stress by Rashi (iQuest Commerce Academy).

Studying with headphones on tends to reduce retention/memory, while music in the backdrop can be an aid to study. The difference between the two deals with the closeness of the input of sound.

Headphones directly access the brain by covering the ears, and this direct access can obstruct learning, especially if the study material is being read for the first time and is difficult to follow! Our brain is “lazy,” and therefore favours the close input of the music as compared to distant ones. It delays paying attention or tries to avoid the more difficult input from the eyes that requires translation and needs to be worked upon to be understood in comparison to easily perceived music.

Unlike music heard through headphones running in the background has all environmental noises included in it, and to be able to hear this music to the barring other sounds necessitates intense concentration. For instance, if you have ever come across somebody trying to pay attention to an instructional recording in a noisy work environment, you may have observed that they close their eyes to reduce visual input to facilitate them to focus better on the sound emitted from the recorder. We do not make use of this type of attentiveness for environmental sounds, and can focus on the closer print material to a greater measure. Some people play familiar music to camouflage outside noises. Since the music is familiar, the student in a way does not even “hear” it, it is a predictable noise with an expected succession. Therefore, a student studying in a room with a stereo playing can be camouflaging (hiding) sounds from the hall or somebody’s TV, while working on material for classes. Some studies even claim that certain kind of music — such as Bach, Beethoven, or instrumentals — may even increase intelligence and aid in retaining of material. However, hard driving rock, rap music, and heavy metal can only distract a student from his studies!

Note: A suggestion from the counselor at iQuest Greens to students who are music lovers.

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A special note on Time Management by Rashi (iQuest Commerce Academy)

Note: These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to  our counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

Time Management is the key to success!

Different definitions have been given for Taming Time:

Time management is the act or practice of planning and implementing conscious control over the amount of time used up on particular activities, especially to augment efficiency or output.

Time management is a process wherein one must keep dedicated time to manage their multiple tasks and also work according to it. This keeps the person out of stress and tension. It is very important for everyone to know and follow time management.

– Suzanne: Student  

Time management is about how we are utilizing our time in a systematic way. To adopt this practice, first, we should know how we are wasting our time and how to control that. Then, we need to plan each and every activity based on their urgency, importance etc. If we follow time management, we can achieve a lot.

– Marci

Time management is all about prioritization and organization. To effectively manage time, prioritize your tasks in order of most importance. Make a plan for each task on your list. Decide how much time you’ll need for each task. Start working. Check the time every so often to be sure you’re still on schedule. Make adjustments as necessary. Stay on track and don’t procrastinate. You’ll have your tasks completed in no time at all.

– Stephan: Accounts Payable  

I would define Time management as how a person uses the time they have to manage the tasks at hand and how well they carry out those tasks.

– Jody: A mother, a college student, a tutor and a webcam model

  I would define Time management as being always available at the right place, for doing right thing at right time and ensure that the subject work is completed correctly, without being reminded by others.

– Pete: Full time Employee in a MNC.  

Definition of Time management: Prioritize tasks, so you can spend times doing things which you really want to do.

– Caleb: Student  

  Time management is about how we are utilizing our time in a systematic way. To adopt this practice, first, we should know how we are wasting our time and how to control that. Then, we need to plan each and every activity based on their urgency, importance etc. If we follow time management, we can achieve a lot.

– Marci

When you devise your Time Management plan, it’s critical to be realistic about how and when you function best. You need to customize your plan as per your needs, habits, profile (student/working) etc. Here are some simple tips for making the most of your time:-

  • Be realistic enough to you plan your time.
    Do not just estimate the time period taken by you to complete your assignment, but also calculate the amount of time consumed for other daily routine activities like sleeping, eating, taking calls, work out and even relaxing. This will actually help you to organise and know the exact time that you can devote on studies. You can use organizational tools such as semester calendars, fixed schedules, and “to-do” lists in order to schedule your time. By consciously thinking beforehand and programming in this way, you’ll never be unplanned for the following day and challenges.
  • Recognize your best time for studying.
    The entire purpose of studying is defeated. It’s not really worth studying when you’re tired and unable to concentrate. Study or work when you’re energetic and willing and therefore, can work most efficiently, then utilize your “slow time” for leisure activities.
  • Big/complex tasks need to be broken into more simpler and manageable ones.
    Any big project, assignment, paper, or presentation can seem a lot less discouraging if you break the bigger assignment up into a number of smaller pieces, which are more manageable. Keeping the project’s due date in mind, work backward  and make a list of specific small tasks that  need to be completed by the end of each day or week. The trick is that usually, the satisfaction of accomplishing one task motivates you to keep working, and at the same time, the job continually gets smaller! If you get in to the habit of doing “just one more thing,” those small term tasks will soon add up and will bring you closer to the target. You will be pleasantly surprised by the overall increase in your productivity!
  • Be prepared for the unexpected
    Even the best of the best plans can be full of snags, so you need to give yourself a little cushion of time before deadline is projected to allow for unforeseen incidents. For instance, your laptop may crash, you may encounter other problems, or you may come down with the flu. By granting yourself a little extra time to complete a project, you won’t have that big deadline threatening you, should an unexpected crisis arise.
  • Speak with the living mates about your study time.
    Roommates, parents, spouses, and kids, etc all are included. Make sure that you let them know that you are not to be disturbed, and also follow the rules yourself! Make — and use! — a “Do not disturb” sign to sling on your door to let people know that you are busy.
  • Keep your phone off or use it minimally.
    The mobile phone is the worst interrupter. The best option is to keep your phone switched off or on a silent mode and probably check your phone later to track missed calls or messages if any. People might call at the worst times simply because they can’t understand that you are busy studying. You need to cut short the conversation or unplug the phone when you study, use an answering machine, or study in a different location such as the library.
  • Organize yourself the night before.
    Completing a few significant tasks just before you call it a day can assist you get in gear faster the next day. For example, if you know you need to confirm appointments first thing the following morning, make a note of all those numbers the day before, write them on a paper, and keep them next to your phone. Keep your clothes ready the day before so you dont have to rush yourself on the next day.
  • Avoid noise/distractions.
    To increase concentration, avoid studying in front of the television and turn off the stereo. And while many students prefer to study with background noise, the overwhelming majority of research proves that silence is the best form of music for study
  • Seek help from friends when required.
    Instead of slogging through complicated tasks alone, you can draw on the talent and energy of others. For example, use a study group to discuss an assigned reading, or work on review problems together. Working in this way often introduces you to different ways of tackling problems that you would otherwise try to solve by yourself. Similarly, if you miss a class, ask a classmate to review the material with you. You’ll get the important material you need, and the other person gets to repeat the information, helping in his/her own review and learning. It’s a win-win situation!
  • Don’t push yourself off the limits.

Remember that you should be able to carry out your plans with ease, joy and satisfaction, so when you “promise” to complete a task, you shouldn’t have to do so by chaining yourself to impossible expectations. Realize that some promises are truly beyond your capacity, and you may need to break them. A broken promise is not necessarily the worst thing in the world. On the other hand, you may find that making a promise to complete a task allows you to discover reserves of time and energy you didn’t know existed, and can push you to a breakthrough!

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Exam Special – Exam preparation Techniques, Tips and Tricks by Rashi (iQuest Commerce Academy)


These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to exam counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

General Exam preparation Techniques, Tips and Tricks

Preparing for an Exam to ace results

1)     Make a proper time table 


Prepare a time table to complete the syllabus before you start with the preparation for examination. The time table should have all the subjects priority wise. Focus should be on the tough subjects and easier subjects can be given less time.  It is essential that there is time allotted for leisure so that your mind can be relaxed and refreshed and you feel energetic. Sufficient intervals must be kept between each subject.


2)     Selection of a proper atmosphere for studying

Needless to say that a good study atmosphere has a very crucial role in preparation for exams. You need to eliminate the distractions to ensure quality time for studies. No one can concentrate while watching TV. So choose a place of study away from the TV where you feel can concentrate. And you have to ensure that while you are studying a particular subject, you are focusing on it only. So keep away the books/ study material of other subjects from your eyesight so that you are not bothered or distracted about the other subjects you have to study. And another point to be noted and to be kept in mind to study in early mornings, when everything is peaceful and you are fresh from a night’s sleep, therefore, more productive. Concentration is the key word. Do not place a mirror in the study room, which reflects your body while studying. It will cause lack of concentration.

3)     Maintain proper posture

It is essential that you maintain a proper posture while studying. Don’t follow the practice of studying on bed or slouch while sitting on a chair. Keep your back straight, with your legs placed parallel to ground, slightly raised from the surface of the ground to prevent ionization which makes you feel drowsy.

4)     Prepare notes while studying

Make short notes while studying that can be kept handy to memorize or recall all the important points revising. An ideal note should be inclusive of all the important points, formulae and figures. You can also maintain another notebook for detailed notes for reference and understanding. The effort will be worthwhile if you make good use of these notes for the revision in the last few hours before the commencement of the exam rather than skimming through the entire course material. Notes are time savvy and build your confidence.


5)     Sleep well and eat properly

Get enough sleep before exams. Sleep deprivation study confirms that one must get at least 6hours of sleep. Especially, you need to catch up with a decent amount of sleep the night before your exam. You have to sleep really well, between 6-8 hours. Please note that this will have a great effect on your performance in the exam. It is advisable to have food rich in proteins and reasonably balanced with carbohydrates. Also have a balanced diet during the preparation time and especially on the last day before exam. Remember to have a glass of water at bedtime to charge up your brain cells.

6) Revise enthusiastically and plan revision

Just browsing through your notes is the worst method to revise. Well, if not the worst possible, but it’s really not very good. You need to engage your brain in the revision in a much more active manner. Memory does not exist in the form of a compartment in one part of your brain, so that things are can go to or out of the box. Memory is spread out all over: it can be verbal, visual, audio, muscle memory, all sorts. The more you exert your brain with the information, the more you will remember. So don’t just read.  Recap the notes. Set them to music. Find the key points and jot them down yourself somewhere – even if that involves plain copying, it is better than simply reading the content, since the activity involves your brain participation. Formulate quizzes and work them out. Get cracking with exercises, questionnaires etc. Devise an excellent revision plan, and adhere to it. Don’t carry out revision on a single subject a day, you’ll get bored of it; then again swapping big time will lead you nowhere as you will not be able to study anything thoroughly/ indulge in in-depth study. The best practice would be to split the entire duration of your study period into three segments dedicated to each subject.

7) Solve past test papers

Work through the past year’s papers.  If you can’t answer a question, verify if it is still in the syllabus (the modules are amended every year, and it’s always recommended to check what is new).  With the help of a sound revision plan, the last week just before the exams should be spent in practicing examination/ model test papers and examples sheets and thus gain confidence before you sit for the exam.
One who doesn’t solve past papers is likely to be challenged in his exams. Moreover, the past papers must be done, keeping examination conditions in mind. The student must time himself while solving the test papers.
Time is less in an exam; students need to get accustomed to thinking and writing fast.  So practice well enough to be to write fast in a legible manner.

8) Hard work

There is no substitute for hard work. Also asking for the worked solutions to past exams without attempting is not going to help. Practice makes a man perfect. It’s simply useless to go through the worked solutions without any apparent effort being made to practice the questions / assignments themselves.

9) If you just can’t follow something, just mug it up

It actually is a last-ditch resolution. But it gives you at least something to do with the questions on subjects you really don’t understand. Even questions on these subjects usually start off by giving you a few marks for “describing XXX”. Even if you don’t understand it, you can get a few marks by writing down the description straight from the notes.

10) Avoid getting tired before exam

Getting exhausted would be the last thing to do before exams, not only will it drain you physically but will also impair your mental faculties and hamper you performance. If you have to keep awake all night, doing the last minute revision, it is going to be disastrous. It doesn’t accomplish anything – you will be so worn out that it will be next to impossible to give your best shot in the exams.

11) Grasp the important facts and let them be absorbed by short-term memory

The last 24 hours are not meant for learning a new concept. All you can do is learn some facts into short-term memory. Utilize this time to go through the key points in your notes. Make a note of the forgotten points and revise them thoroughly. Remember if try to learn something new at the last moment it will only jeopardize things and you will be the sufferer.

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Exam Special – An ideal Study Group – Alternate approach to studying by Rashi (iQuest Commerce Academy)

A Study group is meant to share notes, thoughts and ideas or how to solve or comprehend a particular problem. If the study groups are focused, organized, they can provide the best of all study environments. The group can decide to meet in a peaceful location, set a schedule for course to be covered on a daily basis, and can be a good resource for help if a group member is having difficulties in a particular topic. Students, who prepare in a study group, keenly discuss the problems and work out their solutions together and the ones who are not content with purely getting the answer to a question will find study groups very helpful as they can indulge in discussions, debates and best practices. On the contrary students who do not contribute will not benefit and will only waste their time. Study groups work great, given the fact that you study for yourself, contribute/participate in the educational discussions, exchange notes and do not waste time in chatting or getting distracted. Cross questioning, comparison of notes and learning strategies are common benefits reaped in the course of group studies .Your peers/ fellow students cannot study for you. You have to study yourself first, then meet together to discuss your answers.  Don’t practice through the past test papers in a group – You might be tempted to see other people solving the questions and you simply watching them working and getting a feel that you understand the stuff and can attempt the same question in exam. Self attempt is necessary. Always remember, exams are not about team work.


These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to exam counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

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Exam Special – Attempting the Examination paper – A special note on Examination related stress by Rashi (iQuest Commerce Academy)


These are general tips given to all our students irrespective of his/her level, whether its coaching for B.Com (Honors/Program) 1st Year, 2nd year or 3rd Year or coaching for Professional Entrance exams like CA-CPT, CS Foundation, CWA Foundation or IPCC, Inter or Main… or your class XI or XII exam, the basics don’t change, most of the exam battles are won here… Your time and life is precious, feel free to speak to exam counselor at iQuest Commerce Academy or write to us at  in case you have any anxiety/apprehensions.

Planning your battle

First and foremost, read the exam paper carefully before you begin writing anything.  During this time, settle on about which questions you are going to answer and time yourself (make a priority list in your mind). Also, work out how much time would you devote on each question, bearing the marking scheme in mind.

Reading the entire question is also critical as many questions can be confusing –for instance the answer to one of the parts of a question can be applicable to another part of the same question, so on and so forth, one has to discern the difference between the two questions which may look similar. Clues might be provided in later parts of the question about what the examiner is looking for.  Your competence lies in spotting them.

While working on timescales, you must try to strike a balance between the time used up on a part of the question and the marks awarded for it or the marks that you can score, otherwise check if if it is worthwhile to go for the question now or park it for the last.  If the duration of the exam is 1.5 hours, and the total marks awarded are 60, then you can score each mark in 1.5 minutes.  Therefore, you need to time up accordingly.

Adherence to the timescales is essential. It is not a hard and fast rule to abide by the time decided/ allotted for respective questions. So let’s say if you exceed the given time for a particular question, then make up for it in the next question.

Attempt the easiest questions first

It is not necessary to follow the sequence in attempting the questions in an exam due to two reasons.
Firstly, if you get one question absolutely right at the beginning of an examination, it peps you up and increases your confidence, and gets you rid of any feelings of panic that might arise when coming across tougher questions.

Secondly, there is a possibility that the easiest question would be less time consuming than the others.  This means that you’ll be ahead of schedule from the very start – another confidence booster.  It also means that when you reach the most difficult question, you would have all the time to answer it without getting hassled to attempt it halfway, leave it due to paucity of time and then getting back to it at the end of the examination time.

Write and Present well

Good presentation in the exam affects your marks. Whatever you studied or prepared your marks will depend on how well you present them in the answer sheet. The teachers may not be able to go through the entire content on the answer sheets as they have numerous sheets to check. They will scrutinize the answer sheet for precise points. Therefore, present answers pointwise. In essay questions, important points need to be underlined. Your hand writing needs to be neat and readable/legible. Give a good meaningful heading for the major points. Always remember that ‘First impression is the best impression’. So, first attempt the questions that you know pretty well. It will create a good, lasting impression on the evaluator’s mind.

Time dedicated to each question

Strict marking schemes are followed these days. So, if there are four marks available for the description of XXX, then the marking scheme will probably have four key points.  Mention them all, and you get the marks.  Often, for a question like this, I will have a list of five or six points, and give one mark for each of them, up to a maximum of four.  One thing you can be (reasonably) certain of: if you haven’t made four key points, you’ve missed something. Don’t waste half-an-hour writing a long essay which can help you score a maximum of two marks.  Students indulge in this practice.  It’s a sheer waste of time and energy – you would rather utilize both in answering questions which fetch you higher marks.

Don’t get jammed.  Move on to the next question

Writer’s block is to be avoided, you haven’t got all the time for it. If you happen to forget the answer to a particular question or you are unable to resolve it, stop mulling over it, just move ahead to another question.  Staring at a question will get you nowhere and you might be oblivious of the fact that diverting your attention to another question will help you think clearly and probably you will be able to get the answer right to the left out question.

Keep yourself hydrated

Drink water to keep yourself calm. Sip water after every1.5-2hrs to keep yourself hydrated. Also, you can feel sweaty during a hard examination.  Your body will function better if you replace the loss.

Give a clear explanation

Many times you can find an examination script where the student has written an equation with variables in it, and not specified what the variables represent.  The student can be marked down for not being clear. Always remember to answer the questions in the most concise and comprehensive manner.

If you’re running out of time

In case, you don’t have time to write sentences, then simply write bullet points.  Also try to overwrite and do the easiest questions first to accumulate more time.

Never leave early from an examination room

The only feasible excuse for this is when you are extremely sure that you have given your 100%, and revised your answers.  There is always something that can be done to score better.  Check, and recheck.

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